
Mundo Fantástico da Sardinha Portuguesa - Sustentabilidade

We are passionate about the sea, and we are committed to protecting the future of our oceans. We focus on small-scale production and responsible fishing methods so that we can continue to enjoy the wonderful fish that the sea supplies for many generations to come.

Portuguese canned goods are an exquisite delicacy enjoyed in Portugal and around the world. Canned sardines are deeply rooted in Portuguese food culture as a consequence of easily accessible natural resources along the country's long coastline. Being the result of a culture that is proud of its traditions and origins, they have become a national icon.

As an industry, we have a duty towards the planet and future generations to ensure that our actions do not compromise the future. Our management of resources, our canned goods and the way we present them give our visitors a taste of the sea as it is, vibrant and diverse!


Sustainable fishing

Mundo Fantástico da Sardinha Portuguesa - Pesca sustentável

Our niche high added value products, in opposition to the pressures of overfishing, ensure that our use of maritime resources is healthy and controlled, protecting fish stocks and safeguarding the proper functioning of the whole ecosystem. That is the only way to make sure we can continue to enjoy fast, tasty, easy-to-prepare, healthy, versatile meals that have a long shelf-life and are easily carried anywhere.

We are not indifferent to the wealth and generosity of our oceans. At Mundo Fantástico da Sardinha Portuguesa (Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardine), we have been practising a sustainable supply model from Day 1. We are also excitedly awaiting MSC certification for our canned goods, an important seal attesting that the fish stocks we use are reliable, sustainable, and certified, thus providing assurance that our supply chain is transparent.


Social impact

Mundo Fantástico da Sardinha Portuguesa - Impacto social

Protecting fishing activity means protecting the livelihoods of the fishermen and the many women who work in the canning industry.

When we created Mundo Fantástico da Sardinha Portuguesa (Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardine), we wanted to create more than just a brand of canned goods; our ambition was to become an active defender of ocean management, a promoter of responsible fishing practices, a supporter of fishermen and local women, and a sponsor of sustainability in Portugal's canning industry.

When our factory opened in 1942, production methods were artisanal because that was the standard work method in the canning industry in Portugal at the time. Today, the factory still uses the same production methods, for different reasons: all our fish is delicately prepared by hand by those who have inherited a legacy of knowledge going back generations. Holding on to that legacy is the key to success. That differentiating factor enables us to provide canned fish that is of extraordinary quality and, therefore, pay a fair wage, ensuring that fishermen and master canners can continue working in the art they devote themselves to each day and that their occupations will live on.

Mar 2020 | Portugal 2020
The Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardine ©2023 all rights reserved

made by Anahory&Monteiro