Information on the processing of personal data

The O Valor do Tempo Group respects the privacy of all customers and service providers and is committed to protecting the personal information that each user decides to share.

When it is necessary to collect personal information in order to provide services or products, or when each customer/user decides to provide some of their personal data, the usage of this information and data will be carried out in compliance with the applicable legislation on personal data protection - Law 58/2019 of 8 August, Personal Data Protection Law, and EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 - in order to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data provided. The data controller is the O Valor do Tempo Group.

The data shared by customers / users will be subject to computer processing and will be included in the O Valor do Tempo Group database(s).


The GDPR defines personal data as "information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person", thus considering identifiable persons identified, directly or indirectly, through the name, personal identification number, location data, electronic identifier or other information that allows his/her identification.

The O Valor do Tempo Group, within the scope of its activities, collects and processes the personal data deemed necessary for the provision of its services and products, processing data such as name, address, tax identification number, telephone and/or mobile phone number and email address. The O Valor do Tempo Group may also collect other data, depending on the ongoing circumstances and the respective activity under development.

Principles relating to data processing:
The personal data of the users of the websites and social media pages belonging to the O Valor do Tempo Group companies are:
• Subject to lawful, fair and transparent processing;
• Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;
• Adequate, relevant and limited to that necessary to the purposes for which they are processed;
• Accurate and updated whenever necessary;
• Kept in a form which permits the identification of data subjects for only as long as is necessary for the purposes of their processing;
• Processed in a way that is complete, confidential and secure.

Your rights:

In accordance with the GDPR, you have the right of access and portability over your personal data. You have the right to know which personal data have been processed by the O Valor do Tempo Group and you may also request the O Valor do Tempo Group to correct, restrict the processing or delete your personal data, either totally (right to be forgotten) or partially if they prove to be incomplete, incorrect or irrelevant for processing purposes. In short, and at any time, and for as long as the O Valor do Tempo Group is in possession of your personal data, you have the following options:
• Right of access - Request a copy of the information that the O Valor do Tempo Group holds about you.
• Right of rectification - Request or make the correction of any personal data that is in the database of the O Valor do Tempo Group.
• Right to be forgotten - Under certain circumstances, you may request that your personal data be deleted or destroyed by the O Valor do Tempo Group.
• Right to request restrictions on the processing of your personal data - Under certain circumstances, you may restrict the processing of your personal data by the O Valor do Tempo Group.
• Right to portability - Request that personal data held by us be transferred to an Organisation other than the O Valor do Tempo Group companies.
• Right to object to certain processing - Request that the object of the processing be removed. For example, Direct Marketing.
• Right to object to automated processing of personal data, including Profiling - Request that your personal data is not subject to automated processing.
• Right to complain - If the O Valor do Tempo Group refuses any of your requests without any due legal justification, you may make a complaint to the contact below.
If you wish, you can make your request at any time by contacting the O Valor do Tempo Group through the following means:

Data Protection Department:

• Email address:
• Telephone: +351 211 349 044

How we collect this information:

The information collected by the O Valor do Tempo Group is, in most cases, provided directly by the customer/service provider, and with such details provided by direct written request when purchasing the products available on this website.

How long we keep your personal data:

All Personal Data are kept by the O Valor do Tempo Group for as long as the existing relationships between this Company and their respective holders remain in effect or for as long as the purpose for which they were collected is maintained, in order to enable the identification of the holders until these relationships have definitively ceased. The data collected will then be destroyed at the end of their respective legal term.

Should you not want to provide your personal information

You may, at any time, exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of your personal data by post, sent to the address of the O Valor do Tempo Group, attaching a photocopy of your Citizen Card, ID card, or other valid identification document that identifies you, under the terms of Law no. 67/98 - Personal Data Protection Law, of 26 October, to your request.

Whenever providing data to third parties, you are obliged to inform them in accordance with the previous paragraph and obtain their consent before any transmission, in accordance with Article 31, Subparagraph c) of Law 144/2006, 31 July. You hereby accept that when not providing all the information requested, we may not be able to provide you with any kind of inherent services.


We take all appropriate technical and organisational security measures, consistent with national and international information practices, to protect your personal information. These measures include administrative, technical, physical and organisational measures to protect personal data from misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction.

Whilst we have taken all reasonable precautions to protect your information, it is important for you to know that the transmission of data over the Internet or email cannot be regarded as 100% secure and, as such, we cannot entirely guarantee the security of any information you may provide.


The data may be provided to judicial or administrative authorities whenever the O Valor do Tempo Group has to comply with a legal obligation or when having to exercise our legal rights or the defence of a right in a judicial proceeding. We reserve the right to share personal information whenever we believe there exists the need to investigate, prevent or report illegal activities (including fraud) or situations involving actual or potential threats to the safety of any person or property.

Accessing your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information. Should you wish to access your personal information, please write to the O Valor do Tempo Group or send an email to

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

These general conditions are governed by Portuguese Law and in case of litigation, the Judicial Court of the District of Lisbon is competent to the exclusion of any other.

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