Fish – Heart’s Best Friend

Fish – Heart’s Best Friend
Fish – Heart’s Best Friend
Fish – Heart’s Best Friend
Fish – Heart’s Best Friend
Fish – Heart’s Best Friend
The heart is a beloved organ, but not always cherished! It is the symbol of love and that is why so many expressions attribute feelings to it:
“Broken heart”
“Heart of stone”
“Heart in mouth”
“Soft heart”
It is true that the heart speeds up the rhythm of its contractions - "beats" - when we are subject to emotions. It is responsible for pumping blood to every cell in our body, blood that “takes” and “brings” everything they need to live, from oxygen to nutrients and messenger substances such as hormones. We already realize how important it is to take care of our heart, because we only have one and without it life is impossible. It is therefore a vital organ.
But what does this have to do with fish? Everything! Because fish is a source of essential nutrients for heart health:

Omega-3s are a family! Of this, the fatty acids DHA and EPA stand out. Both have beneficial properties for the heart, integrating into cell membranes and improving their fluidity; having an anti-platelet aggregation action, in addition to an anti-inflammatory action; contribute to reducing the “bad” cholesterol and increasing the “good”, but also to the control of blood pressure!
Calcium and Magnesium:
Present in meat, bones and scales, these two minerals are essential for muscle contraction and thus the heartbeat.
Vitamin D:
Found in the bones and cartilage of fish, it helps maintain normal blood pressure levels and regulate the heartbeat. On the other hand, it has an important anti-atherosclerotic function, contributing to endothelial health.
The iron found in fish has high bioavailability. This is essential for heart health, as it is part of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the cells. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, cardiac contraction is compromised!
Regarding this subject, scientific studies have no doubts: the consumption of fish at least 2 to 3 times a week is essential for cardiovascular health, having a protective effect against heart disease, but also contributing to its treatment!

The current guidelines from the General Directorate of Health indicate that fish consumption should be daily, especially fatty fish, which should happen at least 3 times a week.
If you find it difficult to include fish in your family's menu, try Comur preserves, which combine quality and flavour, in addition to being practical. Try horse mackerel, mackerel, swordfish or sardines in olive oil, for example.
Take care of your heart with love and a good nutrition!
Dietitian Catarina Cachão Bragadeste, n.º 0402N | A Dietitian's Daily Blog®
Mar 2020 | Portugal 2020
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